Remembering experiences: quantum journeys and anchorings 2023/24. Among all the wonderful, varied, innovative, and creative proposals of the IBC, there is one that, without a doubt, is special to me: quantum journeys and anchorings.

I knew it from the beginning— a traveling and adventurous soul trapped in a body that struggles to transcend limits, beliefs, and patterns… That’s me.

The proposal of anchorings represented, and still represents, FREEDOM in capital letters, oxygen, adventure, enthusiasm, excitement, the unknown, connection with the group, and doors to a new world…

On June 24 of last year, I embarked on my first anchoring, proposed by Sandra and the IBC team, in Ireland. I felt the connection with the group and the coordinator from the start. It’s difficult to describe in words how it feels to be in that place despite the actual distance in kilometers. The Sacred Well of Brigid, the nature, the grass, the rain, the engraved codes, the Stone of Destiny, the Ancient Tree that I also dreamed of… I was able to feel excitement, joy, and witness such beauty that, for me, it was an AWAKENING. Hearing, while I was asleep, someone calling my name and asking how I was integrating the information still amazes me to this day… I haven’t been able to forget it. It’s something that defies logical understanding but is fully grasped and lived through Quantum Bioengineering.

Glastonbury-Avalon (United Kingdom) simply dazzled me. The Goddess Temple, Chalice Well, the Tor Hill, Stonehenge… All of it was a connection to the invisible, to all the realms; you could even feel the ether from afar. It was an infinitely transformative journey.

They say journeys are lived three times: when you dream them, when you experience them, and when you remember them. But the beauty of anchorings is that so much energy, emotion, connection, and vibration remain engraved within you, gifting you energetically and evolutionarily to such an extent that you don’t just remember them—you can relive them (in my case, I’ve needed to do so countless times) an infinite number of times, feeling as if you were truly there.

Merlin’s Cave and St. Nectan’s represented magic and the awakening of my inner child. Back then, I dreamed of one day being invited to an anchoring in the desert, and so it happened.

The Desert—but what is it about the desert? I often revisit and think about this anchoring: the Celestial Ladder, the Orion Citadel, and the Golden Spiral. All the anchorings have been and are wonderful, but the desert, I dare say, has been and remains the most special anchoring for me. Its eternal silence, its light and crystals, the earth, the stars… You feel the Universe, the perfect alignment… It makes it unique. It gifts me exactly what I need; being the polar opposite of my reality, it acts as a powerful time-recovering agent, energy transmuter, calming presence, and provider of clarity.

Jerusalem, with the Garden of Gethsemane, the Basilica, the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, the Pater Noster Church, and the Holy Sepulcher, brought me the gift of strengthening my somewhat forgotten connection with Master Jesus. During this anchoring, I felt and perceived aromas, lights, and the sweetness of words. Listening to the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic made—and still makes—me vibrate. It made me feel as if, in the past, I had lived during that era in those places, as if I had been connected with the Master in another time… It was incredible!

During the Jerusalem anchoring, I felt the need to develop my spiritual side further and dreamed of Sandra. In the dream, alongside her, my mission was to help enhance spirituality.

That desire to evolve spiritually and to connect with Jesus and feel the Christic energy supported me throughout the year for the Pulsión por la Paz project. In meditation, I felt I received loving messages from Jesus, which I treasure in my notebook as «gems.»

The Qumran anchoring began at Hisham’s Palace with its beautiful sacred geometry, the Neolithic settlement of Jericho, the Mount and Monastery of Temptation, and Jesus’ Retreat Cave. The connection then moved to the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, and the Essene legacy in Qumran. It was a very special anchoring, with emotions running high.

The anchoring with the moon, shared by Sandra and Dani from Bethlehem-Palestine, broadened my vision to understand history’s other reality—to grasp it through feeling and the heartbeat. The Milk Grotto inspired me and motivated me to develop discipline, enabling me to undertake longer meditations and contribute more effectively to the Pulsión project.

«The Three Jewels of the Himalayas», this year, represented a pilgrimage to the light for me. The view of the mountains mingling with clouds from the airplane was pure ecstasy. The connection with the Dalai Lama was pure compassion. The magnificent Mount Kailash, the magnetic mountain… It was impossible not to get emotional and cry over its pure, crystal-clear water. It made me feel, even as just a small point in the distance, a profound admiration, gratitude, and a desire to honor it. My deep thanks go to Kailash and to all the hearts at IBC who dared to say «YES» to live the experience, who stepped onto the path, and through their effort, allowed other hearts, from the comfort of home, to share and connect with the unforgettable experience.

This small account represents only glimpses of the anchorings I’ve experienced and what they have meant in my life. I’m sure others who have participated in anchorings have beautiful and moving stories to tell. So many emotions: laughter, tears, connection, heartbeat, surprise, light, sharing, discovery, gratitude, enthusiasm, the feeling of floating, the present moment, and the joy of the journey… And as Sandra has taught us, it’s wonderful to expand these moments of joy with the best energy and love to all beings on the planet.

These journeys feel so real, and the connection is so deep that, unbelievably, I sometimes struggle to differentiate them from the ones I’ve physically made. I bless the day and the teacher Sandra for being that “illuminated pearl of wisdom and love,” for materializing and making possible the experience of this quantum and bioenergetic immersion. These anchorings have been and remain one of the best things to happen in my life.

It’s like lighting lanterns across the planet, with a special light—a light of life that will never dim in these wonderful places—a light that shines brightly and will be seen from distant galaxies…

It is a true pleasure and a gift to accompany Sandra, Dani, and the IBC team across the planet. A dream come true. Thank you, thank you, thank you. QBI Student

IBC Student

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